Wondering how or if this call will be helpful?
Hear from people just like you who booked a call...
"Before finding SelfPublishing.com I didn't know where to start. They guided me through the process to get the book out of my head and onto the page and then published. I have never felt more supported. My book has without a doubt changed my life. I now have my own successful leadership academy, regularly booked for speaking gigs, and have established business partnerships, all from the book."
Mick Spiers
"Joining the fiction program and being part of the author community there has been the best decision I've made regarding my author career. I had self-published 2 sci-fi books and 1 historical fiction book prior, but I had made around $500 over an 8-year period. I had been told all my life that authors don't make an income and to not go after that dream because it's a futile effort. My income increases with every book published. I owe this success to Ramy's guidance and techniques, the relationships I've built within the community, and rolling up my sleeves to implement what I learned and supporting fellow authors."
Lauren Lee Merewether
"I found my courage through this program and it has been very freeing. Before finding SP I was like a kid trying to be grownup in an adult world. I saw the success and the fulfilled dreams and my inner author wanted it... a lot. However, with limited understanding, a family of five kids, and a healthcare career I had little to no time to focus on the 'how' of being a published author."
Megan Whitmer
Schedule a 60-minute call with one of our Publishing Success Strategists to talk about your book using this calendar.
After choosing a time, click "Continue" and fill out your application on the page that follows.
Add your appointment time to your calendar and show up ready to talk about your book and your goals!
Traditionally Published Quality Without
The Restrictions, But With All Of The Royalties.

"The call I had just made it real for me that I could really get my book published. I had been "trying" to write and finish my book but was stuck in this perpetual loop of editing, changing, doubting and losing motivation as a result. I didn't see the full picture of how my book fit into the business I was trying to build so I would fizzle out and stop. But it all came together when I had my first phone call with Nate and then my subsequent coaching calls with Kerk. I don't believe I could have done it without you guys!"
Rainia Kort

"I was a good ways into my rough draft when I decided I needed to pivot and take things in a new direction. Well, that set off a chain of events that spun me out and had me floundering big-time. FINALLY after my despair reached a critical level I booked a call with Brett, and that saint reeled me back in like a boss. He probably has no idea, but he basically talked me off the ledge, centered and grounded me again and gave me clear action steps to take before we met again in 3 weeks. Felt so much better and was ready to get moving again after we talked."
Luann Mckenzie

"Multiple interactions with SelfPublishing.com staff and fellow students gave me the strength, tools, and encouragement to make both of those dreams come true. I published that first book. Now I am preparing to relaunch with a companion volume. And I am busy writing the first draft of a fictional series. After 72 years, I am finally realizing my lifelong dream of being a full-time author."
Not sure if this call is for you? Chances are, it is! On this call, we'll...
1. Identify Where You Are
Clarity on your goals is nothing without the ability to execute on them. We'll work with you to solidify a long-term plan for bringing your unique vision and purpose to life. This might look like answering some questions like:
How long will it take you to get there?
What steps do you take and in which order?
What resources, accountability, or assistance do you need to stay on track?
You'll walk away with a plan to take your goals and actually move forward with actions that will bring you closer and closer to reaching it.
2. Help You Get Unstuck
You made it here for a reason. Somewhere along your journey, you realized you need help and you're not alone with this specific challenge: most people who set out to write and publish a book rarely understand the process necessary to do it with quality. We'll identify your biggest road blocks and focus on getting you unstuck and making progress.
3. Clarify Your Goals & Direction
Your book idea is unique. That means your goals are unique. Not everyone wants to write and publish a book for the same reasons. Whether you want to use it to grow your business, are focused on creating a major impact, want to leave a legacy behind, or you want to build a fiction author career, we'll give you customized advice and direction based on your specific desires.
4. Formulate the Best Next Steps Forward
What is the #1 thing you can focus on that will make the path to accomplishing your goals faster and easier? That’s what we’ll work with you to answer by the end of this free 1-hour book consultation call. While you’ll have a whole plan laid out for how best to go forward with your book idea and goals, we’ll specify one most important next step. Sometimes, this next step is an invitation to work with us here at SelfPublishing.com to bring your book vision to life, other times it may be alternative resources to meet you where you’re at. Either way, this will be the best hour you’ve ever spent on your book.
We can provide the next step, but you have to take the first one.
Are you in?

"The call was life changing because I’ve always had a goal of publishing a book, but knowing that there was a team of people that would help, and knowing that there was a known process changed everything. I knew there was no reverse once I started down that road, and I knew there would be so many more opportunities available once I got started. I haven’t looked back since."

"The call gave confidence and energy to do something I didn't think I was capable of doing. Imagine going through your life, always thinking, I should write a book about my experiences but never having the courage and belief that you could. Suddenly, someone believes in you, provides direction, honestly tells you that you are capable. I've changed the way I thought about myself and understand that I am in control of my life and what I can accomplish."

"Just before my first call with SPS I was SO nervous and didn’t know what to expect. I learned that I could actually do it…make my dream come true of writing a book and getting it published! I will forever be grateful to SPS for the gift of becoming an author!"