How To Write & Publish A Bestselling Book In 90 Days Using Our Author Accelerator Framework

Proven By 7,213+ Now Published Authors
Regardless Of Their Writing, Publishing, Or Marketing Experience

How To Write & Publish A Bestselling Book In 90 Days Using Our Author Accelerator Framework
Proven By 7,213+ Now Published Authors - Regardless Of Their Writing, Publishing, Or Marketing Experience
Inside This FREE On Demand Training, You'll Discover:
The Simple, 3-Step System 7,213 People Have Used To Rapidly Mind Map, Outline, and Write Their Books In As Little As One Week.
(Say goodbye to writer's block forever!)
My Step-By-Step Roadmap To Selling 10,000 Books (Even If You Have No List, No Social Media Following, & No Idea How To Market)
Case Studies Of Authors (both brand new & experienced) Who Used Our System To Write Their Own Best Sellers Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible

Alexis & Justin Black
Authors of Redefining Normal
Alexis and Justin knew they had an experience that could help others, a story that could make a difference. And a difference it HAS made. Since publishing their book Redefining Normal: How Two Foster Kids Beat the Odds and Discovered Healing, Happiness and Love, Alexis and Justin have…
- Won 10 book awards
- Appeared on TV and several podcasts
- Sold over 7,000 copies of their books in 1 year
- Bought a house with the help of their royalties checks
- Had an event named after their book where they were the keynote speakers
- Are actively showing foster children everywhere that their life is not set in stone, that they can break free & succeed happily
And they have now started a business aimed at giving children in the foster system an opportunity to help others share their experience and heal—a business that made the Forbes Next 1000 list. All because they took action on their dream.

Ashley Emma
Author of Undercover Amish
Fiction Bestselling Author - Amish Romance, Covert Police Undercover Series
- 20 books published with the selfpublishing.com system
- USA Today Bestselling Author
- Ashley's novel, Amish Alias, was a Gold Medal Winner in the NYC Book Awards in 2021
- Bestseller, Undercover Amish, was a Maine Romance Writers Finalist in 2015
- Full-time Fiction Author

Hayden Crabtree
Author of Skip the Flip
Nonfiction Bestselling Author - Business Owner
- #1 Amazon bestseller in several categories
- Featured in podcasts with big names like Grant Cardone and Robert Kiyosaki
- Averaging $2,000 - $3,000 per month in just book royalties
- Building a course from his book, he sold 80+ clients for $320,000 ($26,000 per month) for his real estate business
- 1,000+ Amazon reviews with a 4.5 average rating

Chandler self-published his first book in 2014 which immediately became an Amazon bestseller.
Since then, he has successfully self-published 6 more Amazon bestsellers.
After his initial success, Chandler created a repeatable system and framework that he turned into a business with the launch of selfpublishing.com.
Selfpublishing.com is an online personal development curriculum with individual and group coaching components.
The goal of selfpublishing.com is to help people achieve their dreams of making a positive impact in the world (while earning passive income through book sales) by sharing their stories through writing and self-publishing books.
Chandler self-published his first book in 2014 which immediately became an Amazon bestseller.
Since then, he has successfully self-published 6 more Amazon bestsellers.
After his initial success, Chandler created a repeatable system and framework that he turned into a business with the launch of selfpublishing.com.
Selfpublishing.com is an online personal development curriculum with individual and group coaching components.
The goal of selfpublishing.com is to help people achieve their dreams of making a positive impact in the world (while earning passive income through book sales) by sharing their stories through writing and self-publishing books.